25 April 2011

Welcome to this brand spanking new blog

You may have a business.
You may have a logo.
You may have a sign out front.
You may even advertise.

But do you have a brand?

When many people think about branding, they think of the visual aspects: logos, slogans, advertising, staff uniforms. They're all important, but a brand is more than all those things.

We live in a heavily commoditised world. So many products and services, so much choice. If you sell a product, or offer a service for a price, YOU must differentiate yourself. Everyone thinks they're unique (and I am no exception) -- but without a good brand you just end up being a different shade of beige.

A whiff of something wonderful

Have you ever stood in front of a supermarket shelf pondering which washing powder you should buy? Do you go for the one with enzymes or optical brighteners? Do you choose 'Ocean Fresh' or 'Summer Breeze' scent? Do you choose lower residues or environmentally-friendly packaging? In the end, like most people, you will choose a brand you know - a trusted brand.

It probably wasn't the product itself that determined your choice, but it wasn't the logo or the packaging design either. And, if you mulled over your decision long enough, price probably never came into it. It was the feeling that brand name gave you. Something warm and fuzzy, safe and secure. You probably thought "My mum used this washing powder", or "This company has been around for ages", or "I don't want to risk using something different". It's probably all true, but that feeling you get when you choose that brand is based on emotion, not logic. And, when you wash your towels, hang them on the line and then take them back down again, that washing powder will -- in all likelihood -- live up to your expectations, and reinforce the feelings you have about it.

Nothing shatters a good brand faster than a bad experience

So now that you've made your washing powder decision, what would happen if you got home, opened the pack, and instead of sweet-smelling powder, the box was filled with something that smelled like vinegar? You notice a little starburst on the box saying "New environmentally-friendly scent!". You trust the brand so you use it anyway. After the washing machine has finished you open the lid and see that the powder hasn't dissolved at all. It's now in big clumps all through your clothes. It won't come off. In fact, it's taken some of the colour out of your favourite T-shirt. So now your clothes are ruined, and they stink like vinegar. You take a closer look at the pack. It used to be 1.5kg, but now it's only 1.3kg. Now it's a rip off too!

Had you chosen a new brand, and this had happened, you would think "I should have stayed with the brand I trusted". But this was your brand. It betrayed you. You are angry. You want revenge.

The next time you are at the shops you choose a different brand. "Suck on that!" you think to yourself.  It's going to take a lot of convincing to get you to change back to your old brand now.

This is what it's all about

It's so easy to make big branding mistakes -- and some of the biggest companies in the world have done just that. But it's also easy to create a good brand, and keep it that way.

I'm not going to pretend that I've got 50 years worth of experience in FMCG marketing. The experience I do have is practical. This blog is about my observations of good and bad brand moves. It's no-nonsense. It's not going to cost you a lot of money.

I hope you enjoy the journey.

Until next time...

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